“The essence of Best Practice is communication and sharing experience for mutual benefit”
The Liverpool Constructing Excellence Club is a networking group which brings people from Liverpool’s property and construction industry together so that they can learn, share knowledge and identify opportunities to collaborate and work together. Our aim is to encourage continuous improvement and innovation within the sector so that we can all achieve a culture of best practice and excellence within our organisations and the construction industry.
Our events vary from tours of new and exciting project sites and schemes in the city, to industry specific talks and seminars about upcoming trends and “hot topics”, to relaxed and informal social networking drinks with fellow construction professionals.
The committee is made up of 11 individuals from 11 construction and property related companies local to the Liverpool area who used their own networks and contacts to organise the events on our calendar. You can read more about our Liverpool committee here.
Head to our Become a Member page to join Liverpool Constructing Excellence today!